Miles Warner

b. 1987

Miles Warner’s artwork critiques a generation consumed by the phenomenon of celebrity. He uses humor, satire, objects, video, performance and installation to examine the absurd nature of the upper echelon. His persona, Chad Bentley, serves as a cover story detailing an elusive quest for the enamoring characteristics of cool while revealing the realities of a new american dream. He is an alumnus of Keene State College where he received his BFA in 2010 and Southern Illinois University Carbondale where he received his MFA in 2014. He has recently exhibited his work in “Flashing The Leather” at the Alabama Contemporary and in “Relentless Melt” at LaunchF18 in NYC.

“Gucci Presents: A Series Of Works In “Forever” Movements & Designs Directed By Chad Bentley. The Forever Movements & Designs exhibit the multidimensional nature of timelessness and document the infinite quest for an indefinable quality simply known as cool. Spanning media, timeline, material and discipline The “Forever” Series dialogues with the miraculous and the monumentally mundane to serve as a foundation in this exploration of timelessness. An unlikely assortment of objects and stories showcase a contemporary quest for the fountain of youth and an ownership of time. The collection of works are connected by Chad and Gucci as they share a moment, an idea, a feeling, a certainty, an understanding of forever.”

Q. If you could offer your younger self any advice at the start of your artistic career, what would it be?”

A. “Spend less time worrying about what perceptions will be.”