Jason Bagatta

b. 1971

Jason Bagatta is an Artist-educator, living and working in Manchester, NH.
His work, as it continues to evolve into abstract narratives, is figurative, sometimes socio-political, and sits within the spiritual and absurd. He makes paintings, drawings, small sculptures, writes and sometimes creates interactive works.

“I am influenced by the energy of people and places; how and why we do things. These works seek to represent our individual and collective potential for growth and our ability to heal ourselves and each other. They are an attempt to acknowledge our past and learn from it.”

Q. If you could offer your younger self any advice at the start of your artistic career, what would it be?”

A. “Develop your skills and concepts simultaneously. Work for it. Continue to learn techniques and expand ideas. Develop your personal styles like you grow to know the many layers of your self. Experiment and take risks.”
