Claudia Rippee

b. 1952

Claudia Rippee is a photographer living in Manchester, NH, who works in a variety of photographic mediums. As an avid traveler, many of her photographs are taken in urban settings and are focused on the rhythm of life in the streets and on the multi-layered art applied to urban street canvases. In addition to her focus on street photography Claudia works with a pinhole camera, the cyanotype process and wet plate collodion. She taught color photography at the NH Institute of Art 2002-2012 and has been a member of the NH Art Association since 1998. Claudia is a board member of New Hampshire Art Association and New Hampshire Center for Photography and a member of the Silver Sunbeam Studio focusing on creating wet plate still life images.

“While not a classic, homogenous body of work my photographs in “NFS” represent the recurring themes and elements consistent in my work over the years. I am drawn to capturing the spatial relationship of objects in the frame, whimsical or contrasting juxtapositions in the street that bring a smile or create humor and finally the blurring of the line between reality and illusion by use of reflections or ambiguous sight lines. It was a pleasure and a gift to review my archives and choose work solely based on what makes me happy. Many thanks to See/Saw Gallery, Rochester Museum of Fine Arts and Katzman Contemporary Projects for organizing this exhibit.”

Q. If you could offer your younger self any advice at the start of your artistic career, what would it be?”

A. “Tune out the voice of self doubt, relentlessly pursue excellence in your medium and follow your own unique vision divorced form commercial concern.”